First Haircut Certificate

Yesterday I updated a post on how to have a great first haircut. Really the post maybe… should have… been titled “How to have a Pleasant Haircut Experience”. Not only were the tips and tricks we have learned over the years added to that list for a good first time experience, they were also for children who (no matter what we do) just don’t like getting their hair cut. We thought a few pointers would be helpful.

Anyway, on a totally “First Haircut” topic, I thought it would be a good idea to post an example of our first haircut certificate. As a new client, you might not know that we have designed and offered these as an option. It does have a lot of the elements from our old logo but it is so darn cute, we kept it. Moving forward I hope we can create a few more options to choose from. Ten is a good number. Or twelve, an even dozen. Choices are good. We will come up with some super cute designs.

With that said, I’m going to go design another right this minute, while I have a few minutes before I have to get ready to work.

Happy Wednesday!

first haircut copy

Our best advice for a successful first haircut

A first haircut is usually more stressful for the parent than the child. What will they do? Will they be happy? Will they cry? All the curls will be gone. They won’t look like a baby anymore. Trust us, we know. We know these are the things you worry about. But it will be ok. Our job is to do our best to make it ok. For you and for your child.

We will give them the best haircut we can. If they cry we will try to soothe them and if they don’t stop, we will get through the haircut (if you want). Our goal is to give your child the very best haircut possible, with the best memory for future experiences.

Please know that we understand, some children do not like haircuts. We are trained for that. Usually, if a child is going to be upset, it is around one and a half to two years old. That “stranger danger” kicks in, fight or flight. We ask to please try to not come in right after you have been to the doctor for shots. Or the dentist, that has been poking and prodding their mouths. Save a first haircut as the only experience, or at least the first experience of the day.

Also, children feel our energy. If you are anxious they will be anxious. Use the word “trim”, not “cut”. “We are going to go get your hair trimmed” as opposed to, “We are going to go get your hair cut“. Remember we also say things like… “Don’t touch that, you will cut yourself” which means something totally different. And please, we know that sometimes this isn’t your first rodeo. Maybe you’ve had an unpleasant experience before here or someplace else. But if you come in saying… “He/She is going to cry (hate this, scream etc)” chances are, yes that will happen. Kids can hear everything. I mean, everything. Even on the car ride in when you are talking to each other. Let’s start this experience from the moment you leave home, with a car ride full of “This is going to be so fun! You are going to get your hair trimmed!”.

Please don’t rush! Be on time. Rushed energy makes anyone anxious. Allow for traffic, all Washington traffic stinks these days. Give them time to settle in to their surroundings. We strongly advise that you make an appointment, arrive a bit early and come in to play for a little while. You might want to skip the park first and go afterwards, only because we have found that children don’t want to leave once they are playing.

You might be surprised, especially if you’ve been to another salon and had a not so great experience, what a difference this list makes.

*Click the image below for a larger version of the list we created to give you some helpful hints


Locks of Love {Amelia}


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I have to say, we’ve known Amelia and her mom for quite some time. She is actually one of our first clients and started coming to Bella and Max about six years ago when we were in our original location, up on the boardwalk.

Amelia is such a nice girl and we have really enjoyed watching her grow up. It doesn’t surprise me at all that she grew her hair out and then wanted to donate it. Thank you Amelia for having such a kind heart and donating your beautiful hair.


One cool client


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Every once in awhile we come across a client that’s just so cute you can’t help but smile and get a good dose of feel good for the day. I mean, all of our clients are cute and special in the kids room, but what I mean is there’s usually one that says something out of the blue and you’re smiling because they said something that gives you a little jolt and you’re like… did they really just say that?

So this little three year old guy had one request.

I want Macklemore hair

So that’s what we did! He was so happy. And we love happy clients.


Moroccan Oil


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As we add-on to our Children’s Salon with rooms to accommodate the whole family, we will introduce new products to you weekly.  This week I want to introduce Moroccan Oil to you, in case you haven’t heard about it yet.  We brought this product in a few weeks ago after I used it and found it to be quite amazing.  It leaves your hair feeling healthy and full of shine.  I use about two pumps on damp hair, before I blow dry and then a small half pump emulsified in my hands and apply it from the mid shaft to ends for added shine.  I’ve posted a video from the Moroccan Oil YouTube page so you can see exactly how you should use it.

We carry a 17 ml travel size and the 100 ml full size with a pump.  Personally, I can’t live without my Moroccan Oil and I’m sure after you use it you will feel the same way.

Moroccanoil Oil

Moroccanoil® Treatment is the original formula that pioneered the oil-infused hair care category, creating the worldwide buzz on argan oil. A versatile and multitasking product, it is an essential foundation for hairstyling that can be used as a conditioning, styling and finishing tool. It even speeds up drying time and helps restore and revive hair damaged from chemicals found in shampoos, color processes and perms, as well as environmental factors. Infused with antioxidant-rich argan oil, strengthening proteins and shine-boosting vitamins. A completely transformative treatment that leaves the hair healthy, shiny and more manageable.

• Detangles

• Restores elasticity

• Revitalizes hair

Test from my iPhone

This is a test from my iPhone. How awesome would this be if I can actually blog from my phone? I often feel like I don’t have time to sit at my computer and write because I’m running my kids around or waiting someplace. But if this works I can write while I wait.


So I’m going to hit publish and see what this does. I’m hoping for a fantastic result so there will be no excuses for not writing when I want to, or I should say… have an opportunity to write.

Remembering Japan, one year later…


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I can’t believe that it has already been a year since the tsunami struck Japan.  As I was surfing around the internet I came across a video documentary about this tragic event, through the eyes of children.  Kids were our focus when we collected things for Operation Airlift Japan and it is interesting to me to remember through their perspective.

Things are not back to normal, yet sometimes I think we forget as other things come up in our lives. But sometimes I think we should remember and if possible, continue to help when we can.

Get a free Personalized Card!


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You can get a free personalized greeting card from today!

Choose any card from, add it to your cart, go to checkout, and use coupon code CCE2246 to get it free. Just leave the credit card information blank and your order should go through just fine.

There are 25,000 free cards available, so hurry to get your card (postage paid!)

We do just about anything……


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I’ve been going through photos lately trying to organize the hundreds, if not thousands, of photos I have on my computer.  It is the usual “what if my computer crashes” scenario (I have one that did that) where if I don’t sort them and put them on an external hard drive or on discs, I could lose them forever.  

Anyway, while going through and sorting I’ve come across a bunch that  we have taken when a stylist has gone way above what a typical salon would do. As we keep growing and trying to do our best for our clients, I will sometimes have people ask how much a hair cut is.  When I say $22.00 with a free train ride they gasp.  BUT, if you use our cash discount it pretty much equals to the amount you would pay at a quickie haircut place. Sometimes you end up getting above and beyond service from these stylists, look what we end up doing that those places don’t do….

Happy New Year


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Happy New Year to all our friends and faithful clients!

I know I waited a few days to give thanks for a wonderful 2011 and to wish everyone a great 2012, but things have been a little crazy and as you know by now, I’m not the best social media person. But I’m working on that. New Year resolution stuff, that will hopefully last at least a few months… ha-ha-ha!

But thank you for giving us a great year. We’ve weathered so much in the last few years. We’ve gone through some changes (and continue to change) and we are all so totally grateful that you have been with us through the ups and downs and that you continue to hang in with us as we slowly change and morph into a different kind of place. 

You’ve helped us launch a punch card program this year, that we continue to try to make work for you and for us (thus the longer than normal re-order time), the new ones are coming soon and we have kept everything on record so no worries, you will get all of your punches due to you while we work on these.  AND you helped us win King 5’s Best of Western Washington!! That was an awesome highlight for us, for sure.  We get to see your children every few months and watch them grow and change into little humans. We watch you through pregnancy, to having babies, to watching these little ones grow to talking, walking humans with a voice! 

BUT, I think, looking back on 2011 the best thing that happened for us was the amazing donations that came from you all during Operation Airlift Japan!  The donations filled half of our store and you all showed me why we do what we do.  Why we hang in and keep the doors open.  We have AMAZING customers and clients that are giving, compassionate and “family”.  That was my highlight. I thought we would see a little corner of gently used stuff and people showed up with boxes of new food, clothes, underwear and toys… instead we saw our store fill half way up and people coming through the doors through the days with their donations in hand. It was truly awesome. For that sight and display of compassion, I am most grateful.

So, thank you. Words can’t express how grateful we are to have you in our lives.  I’m excited for the year ahead. New punch cards, new salon space for older kids and adults, parties, classes and some other special things popping up! We can’t wait to visit with you all during 2012 and see what the year not only brings us, but what it brings for you!

We hope that 2012 brings you and your families all the joy, health, happiness and blessings that you deserve!

PS….. thank you Dena R. for solving the mystery of the overnight decoration of our sad little “Charlie Brown” tree! That was awesome, you crack us up!

Thank you Dena! A sad tree made happy.